Jönköpings Student Union
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Information from the Board, January

Below is information from the Board meetings on the 12th, 18th and 28th of January 2021.

Welcome back all students and welcome you new ones!

The Student Union´s second highest decision making body, the Board, started the spring semester with three board meetings in January. On the first one we went through half year reports from all our employees and renumerated. This was decided upon last semester and from now on there will be a quarterly report with a newly developed set of questions. Why do we want a report on what our employees and remunerated have been doing you might wonder? This is so we make sure to follow the Plan of Operations which every year is set by you guys on our Annual General Meeting with the goals for the upcoming year.

We also went through the preliminary financial state of last operational year (2019/2020), which due to eventual grants from the government due to Covid-19, not yet are ready to be closed. The plan for the upcoming semester is to set a new proposal of a budget structure to make it easier to understand for students and to follow up, which also is a request by the Annual General Meeting of 2020.

An Action Plan for the Annual General Meeting of 2021 has been approved and so also the updates in the Organisational rules, the Rules and Procedures of the Board and the Grants Policy. It may not sound too fun, but these documents are a part of the steering frameworks of the Union and are all very important tools for how to operate the whole organisation.

We are all excited for the upcoming semester and looking forward to get to know you, don’t forget that we are always reachable through email, phone calls and on all our digital platforms. You´ll find our office on the top floor of the Students ´House!

Written by

Jenný Jensdóttir

Vice President of JSU

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