Jönköpings Student Union
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Proof of membership

When you are a member of the Student Union, you gain access to student discounts through the Mecenat card.


Once you have paid your union fee, you can download the Mecenat card with the Jönköping Student Union's logo to your phone via the Mecenat app. This card is your proof that you are a student at JU, in stores, at museums, and on public transportation*. It also grants you access to Akademien.

Your JU card is not proof of your membership in the Student Union.

*JLT and Västtrafik are part of Svensk Kollektivtrafik. To get a discount with them, you need to be enrolled in studies with a study pace of at least 50% for at least 10 weeks. To validate your right to a discount during your journey, you must have the "Studentresesymbolen" (student travel symbol) on your Mecenat card in the mobile app (MecenatAppen).

If you cannot prove your eligibility for a student discount during your journey, you may be required to pay a control fee. You can contest this by emailing biljettkontrollen@jlt.se.

Other local transport companies may have different rules. Please visit Mecenat's website for more information.

If you want to order a physical Mecenat card, you can do so here External link, opens in new window..

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Jönköpings Kommun
Friskis & Svettis