Jönköpings Student Union
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Whether you're a new student or not, there is always many questions concerning a course, examination etc. Therefore, we've made a FAQ with the most common questions. Couldn't you find your answer, don't hesitate to contact our Head of Education! Contact info on this page.

Prior to the start of a course:

During a course:

  • How many examination resits am I entitled to take?
    Read more
  • What assistance is there regarding study skills?
    Read more
  • Who do I turn to as a student if I encounter problems?
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  • What is a mandatory course item?
    Read more

After the conclusion of a course:

  • Why should I perform a course evaluation?
    Read more
  • Can I appeal a grade?
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  • I want to change examiner for my assignment, is that possible?
    Read more
  • I have one examination left but take no other courses; do I need to pay my Student Union fee in order to take the examination?
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  • When should the grade for a course be registered?
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Prior to an examination:

During an examination:

  • I am ill; is it possible for me to delay my taking of the examination, and if so what would the repercussions be?
    Read more
  • Will a mobile phone in my pocket really result in a two-week suspension?
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After an examination:

  • At what point prior to an upcoming resit examination should I have had my previous examination returned to me?
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  • How many times can I resit an examination?
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  • What happens if my examination is lost?
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Content checked / updated 

Jönköpings Kommun
Friskis & Svettis