Jönköpings Student Union
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Kick Off Festival

The success is back! Kick Off Festival will be arranged on campus August 27. Buy your ticket during the Kick Off in August!

Kick Off Festival is arranged by Jönköping Student Union in collaboration with Jönköping University. This is a completely unique festival in Sweden, only for all JU- students.

At 5 pm, the festival area will open. At the area you´ll find three different stages, main stage, club stage and Red Bull stage. In addition, you´ll find a huge food court, lounge area, main partners to Jönköping Student Union and Jönköping University.

Artists on main stage are Hoffmaestro, De Vet Du, Svea, Diskopunk and Michael Feiner.

Please find more information about the tickets below.

Tickets will cost 275 kr. Please note that you can not purchase a ticket by the entrance to the festival.

At the Festival day all students are welcome to Hälsoparken from 13.00 for the Pre festival. No ticket for this event is needed.

Keep an eye on our channels for more information about the Kick Off Festival.

A secure environment

Fadders and volonteers

The Kick Off involve approximately 700 fadders and volunteers who have been trained in leadership and first aid, to make sure all students feel secure and included in all activities. In addition, there will be reps. from Jönköping University available to make sure students always can turn to them as well.

IQ-certified events and organisation

Akademien, Kick Off and Kick Off Festival are all IQ- certified. This means that Jönköping Student Union together with Jönköping University actively work to reduce the alcohol consumption among students. During the Kick Off Festival alcohol free beverages will be free of charge, including water. The same goes for Akademien, all year around.

Tickets to Kick Off Festival

Tickets are sold in Student Service. Everyone can buy a maximum of four tickets each. If you buy tickets to other JU-students, you must show a picture of their digital Mecenat card to prove they are a JU- student and member of Jönköping Student Union. We will not sell any tickets online. We can´t make any refunds of the tickets and we will look at your student- ID by the entrance to the festival.

In August, you can also buy your ticket during the Kick Off events.

  1. Isa Forsberg
    Hej! Är det för sent att köpa biljett? Isåfall har jag helt missat att köpa en.
    $scriptUtil.getDateAsString($dateFormat, $commentNode.getProperty('creationDate').date.time)
  2. Hej
    Hej skulle vilja också köpa en biljet visste inte att det fanns nåt sånt här :D
    $scriptUtil.getDateAsString($dateFormat, $commentNode.getProperty('creationDate').date.time)
  3. Lovisa Modalen
    Hej skulle vilja köpa en biljet till festivalen :D
    $scriptUtil.getDateAsString($dateFormat, $commentNode.getProperty('creationDate').date.time)
  4. Christian Christensen
    Jag är intresserad av en biljett
    $scriptUtil.getDateAsString($dateFormat, $commentNode.getProperty('creationDate').date.time)
  5. Sepideh Karami
    Where and when can I buy the ticket for featival?
    $scriptUtil.getDateAsString($dateFormat, $commentNode.getProperty('creationDate').date.time)
  6. Samir Sedeqi
    Hej, jag skulle vilja köpa en biljet till festivalen eller är jag missat?
    $scriptUtil.getDateAsString($dateFormat, $commentNode.getProperty('creationDate').date.time)
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