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Safety in times of crisis

What do you do when your cell phone and the internet stop working? What is your strategy if there is no electricity or water in the taps for several hours, days or weeks in a row?

Photo: Thomas Henrikson, MSB

These are questions you will get answered when Försvarsutbildarna come here on the 4th of March. During this event you will get the most essential information that you need to be aware of in order to plan for your safety at home in case of a crisis or war. You will also get tips on where to find further home preparedness advice.

Participants will get a checklist og things you should have at home as well as coffee and a small cookie during the event.

While the presentation will be in swedish, you will be able to get your questikons answered in english.

You can register for the event until Feb 29th. If you don't have a swedish personal number, you can register by emailing josefaxelsson8@gmail.com.

The event is held by Försvarsutbildarna in collaboration with Jönköpings Student Union.

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